Real meat raised the way it should be.
Local and National Delivery
We feel strongly about the welfare of our pigs. Here are a few facts that will probably make you consider buying British, Free Range Pork too.......
Why buy british?
EU welfare standards still permit the use of sow stalls (see pictures below) in many member countries. Sows are contained in stalls the majority of their lives unable to turn around. They do not have bedding and are on slats to allow easy draining of waste.
Pigs are intelligent animals. They are naturally clean and do not like to toilet where they sleep. They like to nest before they give birth and root for food. They are unable to express any of these normal behaviours in stalls.
Sow stalls are banned in Britain. Britain is the only EU country to have initiated a complete ban on sow stalls.
Yet 60% of pork and pork products eaten in the UK are imported.... just because it is a few pence cheaper....
Why buy Free Range?
Although welfare standards are higher in British pork, price pressure from European producers means UK pig farmers are still forced to rear very large numbers of modified breed pigs in very small spaces to keep up.
Pigs in intensive pig farms in the uk cannot be crated/in stalls when they are pregnant. However it is still commonplace for sows with a litter to be confined to a farrowing crate before and after they give birth until the piglets are weaned.
60% of sows in the UK will farrow in farrowing crates.
Piglets are often weaned/removed from their mother very early (3-4 weeks) to bring the sow back into season quicker, and to get more litters from her per year. The usual age of weaning for piglet is the same as a puppy - 8 weeks old.
Growing pigs are usually housed in a unit often referred to as a 'fattening unit'. Large numbers of pigs are housed together, indoors, on slatted floors, with little or no daylight and no opportunity to root of forage. Stocking density is high which increases aggression, fighting and serious injuries. It also perpetuates the spread of disease.
Our free range pigs have access to dry arcs and large outdoor paddocks all year around. They are never confined to stalls or cages. They have opportunity to root in the mud and root up trees and are forever digging themselves nice wallows by the water troughs!
Why traditional breeds?
There is definitely more than one reason for this!
Traditional breeds are slightly smaller and often more agile. They tend to be better mothers, and cope well living outdoors. They are healthier, happier, more natural animals!
But the other reason to choose traditional breeds - they taste better!
Intensive farmed pigs have been bred over decades to grow unnaturally fast and very lean. This affects the taste and appearance dramatically. If you have never had traditional breed pork, try it - we promise - you will never go back....